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Email Issues
How many email accounts can I have?
Unlimited. There are no limits on the no. of accounts that you can have.
Unlimited. There are no limits on the no. of accounts that you can have.
How do I access my emails?
Login to cPanel and click on "Email Accounts".
Login to cPanel and click on "Email Accounts".
Can I access my emails on the Blackberry or iPhone?
Yes you can, find more details by contacting support on support@ktthosting.com
Yes you can, find more details by contacting support on support@ktthosting.com
Does your email facility include spam protection?
Yes, cPanel comes with Spam Assasin (an automated email filtering system).
Yes, cPanel comes with Spam Assasin (an automated email filtering system).
How do I setup a mailing list?
Login to cPanel and click on "Mailing Lists" under the Mail section.
Login to cPanel and click on "Mailing Lists" under the Mail section.
Why use an auto-responder?
An autoresponder lets you send an email to anyone when your on holiday.
An autoresponder lets you send an email to anyone when your on holiday.
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